It's been a while since i've last shared actual details of life with you! Here are just a few things that have been happening in the life of julie!

recently got my hair done, which included adding more highlights and toning down my existing ones. i really enjoyed the end result because it really just ended making my hair a dark brown, but a lot softer than my natural hair color. the left picture above is the before, and the right is the after result. it looks a lot more reddish, but it really is just the light.
*cue* selfie the next morning with what my hair looks like in natural light!
i made a quick trip to the J.crew Factory outlet this weekend. they had some decent sales, but I had a coupon for an extra 40% off from gilt, and it just made everything worthwhile.
One of the things I picked up the gray tee above and the polka dot skirt was on clearance, plus they were having 30% all clearance, plus my 40% coupon made this skirt a total steal!
I also stopped by bath and body works for the first time in a few months to check out there fall collection! I didn't buy anything, but man was I in heaven with all there pumpkin and apple scents!
how sweet is this little succulent. i love the simplicity of them!
hope you all had a great weekend! :) tomorrow i'll be sharing with you some recent purchases!
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