Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I have too much!

image via google

I feel like I'm going the complete opposite of what every girl thinks, but the other day after I came home from a quick shopping trip to the mall with a friend and ended up doing some laundry. I looked in my closet and realized  ---- I HAVE TOO MUCH. I count my blessings and think, I am lucky to have all that I have because there are people who aren't as fortunate. I think to myself - I have too much clothes, jewelry, makeup, and lipsticks. I need to tone it down with the spending, and really "shop my stash." I have one purchase/package coming to me tomorrow, but I'm really going to try to use what I have. I think that by the time summer comes, I will donate what I don't use, or reuse it for a craft project (what kind of craft project, I have no idea!)

Also, I always get stuck in a work outfit rut, wearing the same clothes over and over again. Now I am branching out into tops that I haven't worn in months, or tops that I have only worn once or twice. Let's hope for the sake of my wallet and closet that I can keep up with this.

Helpful Tip: Delete all your emails from shops about enticing sales/promos so you don't open them.
(darn the convenience of online shopping!)

Leave a comment below about how you try to clean your closet, jewelry box, or how you reduce your makeup stash!


  1. i feel ya - i have soooo much stuff too and a lot that i don't wear. i need to just rid of some stuff so i just have things i love. i'm hoping to do a good closet cleaning before it's time for all warm weather clothes.
    -- jackiejade.blogspot.com

    1. I love all the cozy knits of winter but they take up so much space too! Can't wait to bust out my summer clothes!

  2. I go thru my closet twice a year and just make piles of things I haven't worn in awhile, and then I give it to my mom, and if she doesnt want it, it goes to my brothers girlfriend and if she doesn't want it - then it definitely goes to Goodwill! In this way I can still "borrow" it back if needed, but it helps me edit my closet more carefully and I actually rarely buy clothes now!

  3. I rarely need to clean out my closet haha I've actually started being more girly and less tshirt and jeansy! So I've been building up my wardrobe. Usually, if I notice I don't wear something as much my younger sister always wants to have it. I'm 24 and she just turned 13 so she still thinks I'm cool :)


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