Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Coffee Talk | The Best You

About a week ago, I got my hair done and it got me thinking how I haven't been taking care of myself. I've been in a slump recently and have been feeling frumpy. Meaning my outfits have just been thrown together, I haven't taken the time to do my makeup, i haven't eaten the best foods. I haven't been my best self, I'm tired. I haven't tried.
I realized the other day, that I can push myself to be better. Not just in terms of physical appearance , but in terms of being my best self.

I am going to be a better me. A better daughter, girlfriend, sister, friend, coworker, blogger, person.

Who knew such an epiphany can come from getting my hair done! On Friday, I'll share with you my goals and how I plan to achieve them.

Does anyone else ever get into this rut? What kind of goals do you set for yourself?


  1. Good for you, this is so inspiring. Sometimes I get up and really don't feel like giving or trying. Sometimes we work so hard and feel so tired and stressed we can give up on us and that isn't good. it is all about finding a balance.

    1. Thank You Erica! That's so sweet of you to say! I do think it's hard to find *time* to balance everything. i guess that's the journey of life though :) Thanks for reading!

  2. Hi Julie,very good post.
    I had the same thoughts when i got my hair done and i have really not taken care of it at all.
    Hopefully that will change now:)


Thanks for reading! I'd love to hear from you :)