Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Making Some Changes in My Life: Mid-Year 2012 Resolutions

I know its probably a bit weird to do a mid-year resolution, but I'm at a point in my life where there are some great changes in my life and I want to make more changes for the better. It's never too late to start right? I was inspired to do this post as I just happened to stumble across Veronika's Blushing 2012 Resolutions video on Youtube (See her video below).

We all want to eat healthy and stay that way, but that is harder said than done as we're all a bit busy in our everyday lives. So I wanted to start off - I want to start making my lunch more and to give myself time in the morning to start eating breakfast. I have a habit of not really packing my lunch, or not packing something that I would like to eat which makes me tend to want to go out to eat. This will hopefully save me a bit of money and will help me make better choices in terms of food! Since I love to sleep and my commute to work is a bit long, I sacrifice breakfast by only eating a cereal bar or nothing at all. This is a no-no, I'm going to try and have fresh fruit or yogurt for breakfast with healthier bars. Do you have any recommendations?

To go along with food, I'm really going to try and cut back my sodium intake. I love potato chips, popcorn, and really anything salty. It's my weakness, but I'm going to try and cutback.

[spend vs. save]
As a young adult, i'm still learning about what I should spend my money on and what I should save. Budgeting is always difficult, but I think I've learned to cutback my spending (no more j.crew - at least for a while! :) ) Moving forward, I really only want to purchases things I need and to not eat out as much (see above). It's better for my wallet and waistline! I'm going to try to use more with with I have and to stop buying unnecessary things...like nail polish :)

This one is hard for me, but I really want to try to be more active. I don't partake in any physical activity, but I want to start. I am slowly going to start working out 2-3 days a week and work my way up. I'm really not happy with my body, and I want to make a change.

[being grateful and stress]
I am going to try and be more grateful for what I have and the people in my life. Life is short and to be bitter is a terrible thing. I want to count my blessings more often and stress about life/work just a little less. It'll be a lot better for me physically, mentally, and emotionally!

This is quite the personal post, but I've decide to share this post with you all, so that either you could be inspired to make some changes in your own life and so that we can all be each other motivators :)


  1. i think it is always great to make changes,who cares if it the beginning or the middle of the year.
    I have also a hard time with breakfast,so i found something that is easy and delish,that works for me,greek yogurt with a little bit of honey.
    As far as work out i never really did anything till i tried out tae-bo and now i am hooked and do it 2 times a week and TRX once.
    Definitly changed my shape for the better.YOu just have to find something that you love to do and then its not hard to work out.

    1. Breakfast is always a bit tricky and yes working out is so hard sometimes because i feel as though i have no time! Thanks for sharing Ina!

  2. This is a very cute blog and you are darling good ness I wanna be you!



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